Waving to the rafters

Shot with my Panasonic Lumix @ 18X.

If you haven’t heard, President Obama spoke at Kent State this week. I managed a seat in the last row behind the stage, up in the rafters of the MAC Center. It’s miracle I got inside, as I showed up just an hour before the speech. Some folks camped in line for 18 hours or more.

We all know the President is a fine speaker who can stir up a crowd — even when they all know what he’s going to say. The candidates have staked out their positions pretty clearly at this point, so you don’t exactly have to take notes. Rallies like this one allow the faithful to gather and the candidates to preach to the converted.

The real value of this presidential visit, at least for me, was seeing how it energized the students at Kent State and the residents of Portage Co., Ohio. It’s great to see optimism again, and it’s especially great to see it coming from such a diverse crowd.

Living in a “swing” state has its advantages, as long as you can handle the chaos that accompanies a presidential visit. I have a parking pass, so I’m good!


One thought on “Waving to the rafters

  1. Bill,

    Lucky You :)
    I agree, Obama is a great speaker! But what fascinates me even more is that he is such an awesome marketer!

    Whether you like him or not, you gotta admit that he did an amazing job in the 2008 election concerning social media marketing in order to become president. As a PR-student, interested in social media I like to follow his campaigns. It’s crazy to see how he dominates on Facebook, Twitter & Co.

    Do you think social media will matter a lot in this election? Cause I was discussing this with a friend and he said TV will still be the number 1 source. He believes that because most voters are older generations (not talking ’bout you), who don’t use social media (not talking bout you again) but watch a lot of TV (that I do not know).

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